We stand in the glow and the warmth
Sunlight and friendship
To gaze back upon the day
Of whistles in the gorge
And smoke in the aspen

Archbars sway gentle under foot
Staggered joints keeping time
A metronome of steel on steel
Glistening rail and flanged wheel
To the soul a melody

Crossties fade into oblivion
Each a moment
A milepost never lived again
Memories set in ballast and cinders
Left to weather and wither

Oh, how we wish to stop time
To grasp the morn and reel it back in
Each click
Each clack
Each tick of the Hamilton

To breathe in the day once more 
All the grandeur
All the glory
And hold it just a little longer
The ache of melancholy

It is ripped from us
Spike by spike
Oh, God!
Slipping away

True is the mainspring
Movement jeweled and precise
The Inspector's card signed proper and dated
They’ll be no lagging behind the advertised

The Far-From-Here life clouds the skies
The Everyday
The Mundanery
The Rise-and-Shinery
“Next stop, Normal!”

The end is nigh
Across the sage and the grasses
On steel rails that shine
We head home on the valley
Trailing memories behind
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